A look at Refuse-Derived Fuel

March, 18th 2022

SSI has developed hundreds of systems worldwide for generating energy from many different waste materials—from industrial, municipal, and hazardous wastes to tires, mill waste, wood and other organic materials.

SSI shredders vastly improve the combustion efficiency of the material. The growing diversity of conversion technologies and feed systems means there is no “one size fits all” system for shredding. With multiple low-speed, high-torque technologies available, SSI provides solutions to each customer’s unique application, from coarse shredding to spec product sizes.

Example of Applications //

▪ Biomass fuel processors

▪ Construction and demolition (C&D) recycling facilities

▪ Cement kilns

▪ Hazardous waste fuel blenders

▪ Incineration plants

▪ Industrial and special waste processors

▪ Industrial boiler users

▪ Material recovery facilities

▪ MSW processors

▪ Paper mills

▪ Power companies

▪ Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) processors

▪ Recycling equipment OEM’s

▪ Thermal conversion technology OEM’s

▪ Tire-derived-fuel (TDF)                

▪ Waste-to-energy plants


See the SSI customer approach in action. Here we take a look at an engineered fuel system created for VLS Recovery Services, LLC. Learn how they use a two-step industrial shredding system to create a finished biomass product and achieve their end goal of waste to energy.


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